Diving in infinite immersive information

Why so many stories are just boring? Is it because the subject is meaningless or the storyteller untalented? Or is it because the storyteller doesn’t have the medium in which they can do it? The large number of new technologies emerging year to year give us exciting possibilities to express ourselves and tell the stories…

(re)Creating 3d spaces

What are the advantages of working in 3D? What can we get out of it and what does it mean for human perception? Actually, a lot. The world that surrounds us is three-dimensional. That’s how we understand the world, how we traverse it. So, naturally having a 3D environment is the best way for us…

Peaceful waiting

For this project assignment, we have to create a simulation of a specific experience. My simulation proposal is a meditative waiting while attempting to feed a rabbit on a clear in the woods. Drawing of the scene Category & Questions to answer Waiting – “Simulate the experience of waiting. We spend most of our lives…


VR in the browser!!! Material for the threeVR class @ ITP Unconference, Winter 2018


Final project for Physical Computing & ICM – ITP Fall 2017. Ilana Bonder & Nicolás Peña-Escarpentier Github repository | Link (will work on making a full web-only version soon) Sexism, harassment, abuse… They all have been historically regarded as personal issues, relegating them from the public discussion, and diverting attention of their status as sociopolitical…