Thinking about sex

The title should be more thinking about gender, but society has misused these terms so much that it is what we learn. Even worse, we just learn about the binary male-female or man/woman, when in reality spectrums exist across sex, gender, orientation, identity and more! It is really creepy how so many developers try to…

Look ma! I’m on the internet!!!

From sepia monochromatic old pictures (that required everyone to stay still for minutes, making everyone too serious on each photograph) to the present (although some say we already live in the future sans flying cars), the technology has advanced more than “quite a bit”. We are able to build extremely complex artificial “intelligence” networks that…

full-body virtual selfie

Our physical bodies have clear limitations on how they can inhabit virtual spaces. That’s why for most games, social scenes or general applications we create and use avatars of ourselves. According to the platform they can be an accurate representation of our physical selves or a transformation that represents a more psychological aspect. Or it…

Draconian anxiety poems

This week’s assignment is creating a poetic form using tracery. I wanted to use this assignment as an exploration of my anxieties, of my fears, of the eternal presence of them in my life. I want to speak about how these fears get into my life, how they get under my skin unpredictably and inexorably,…