Accessibility for 3d web graphics

For this assignment I chose to evaluate three.js’ website in terms of accessibility for blind people. Screen reading It was very hard to navigate this website with the screen reader. The structure of iframe is not very friendly with this technology. I found myself very frustrated when trying to move from the sidebar to the…

The Matrix has a plumbing problem

Even after transcending the uncanny valley and with all the computational power we may be able to accumulate, setting aside utopian simulated reality theories, we won’t be able to simulate the full extent of our reality. But that doesn’t mean that what happens in virtual worlds does not leak into our flesh-and-bone reality. Our conduct…

Thinking about sex

The title should be more thinking about gender, but society has misused these terms so much that it is what we learn. Even worse, we just learn about the binary male-female or man/woman, when in reality spectrums exist across sex, gender, orientation, identity and more! It is really creepy how so many developers try to…

Are we humans or are we coders? (humans, we’re humans)

Following my blog post from last week, I have been thinking a lot of Open Source, community building and how to maintain a nurturing environment. I realized I am not alone in my lack of participation and that many other developers, artists and overall coders feel like they would love to contribute,… but they don’t….

The cat-flap of open source

I have been coding for a long time. My interest began as a child, I’ve been using computers since I was 3 years old and my mom is a software engineer. Later, I got into civil engineering and coded my way to graduation and now I’m doing artistic stuff that uses code in one way…


Extra is an interactive conceptual exhibition piece. It combines a newspaper with sensors and projection mapping of news media to generate a reflection about media bombardment and the role of information.

A 3D experience about experiences

TL;DR: see the assignment or the code Learning three.js The documentation is good, and the examples on the web make it easy enough to learn how to use it, at least for the basic stuff. Setting it up To set the three.js canvas, we need to set up the scene, camera and renderer. In this…

Fragile sculpture for a fragile masculinity

Amongst the most fragile things in the universe we have glasses, grandma’s centenary china and specially, masculinity. Like, really, it is SO incredibly fragile. This fragility and how masculinity is constructed is what derives on the “Triad of Violence” and can be seen in the “Seven P’s of Men’s Violence” (both articles by Michael Kaufman)….