Hollywood Witch-hunt TL;DR Final sketch
Author: nicolaspe
Computer Duet
Made in collaboration with Katya Rozanova for the New Musical Instruments Hackathon – Oct 14, 2017. The pressure of a hackathon, making everything in such a short amount of time was an amazing experience. It really helps you make quick decisions on what to fix and what to drop. We’re extremely happy with the result,…
Fragile sculpture for a fragile masculinity
Amongst the most fragile things in the universe we have glasses, grandma’s centenary china and specially, masculinity. Like, really, it is SO incredibly fragile. This fragility and how masculinity is constructed is what derives on the “Triad of Violence” and can be seen in the “Seven P’s of Men’s Violence” (both articles by Michael Kaufman)….
A “light” problem 2.0
This assignment is about upgrading a previous assignment using functions. As my previous assignments already do (and the first one is not really worth it), the upgrade I want to try is using WebGL to get to use the directionalLight and pointLight functions… and this was not as easy as I expected. WARNING: Lots of…
Beautiful Ideas, Chaotic Failures
This is a story about craziness and predictability. Everything could have been avoided, but ambition got in the way. I wanted to make a laser harp. Simple, right? Actually, no, not at all, but that made it more tempting. The concept was not that complicated: some laser diodes would be cast on phototransistors and -as…
Feather flame
For this assignment I already had a pretty good idea about what I wanted to make. I have been weirdly obsessed with feathers, and the light refracting properties from acrylic were an incredible chance to make something that suited my taste. The idea was simple: two acrylic feathers, cut in half, etched with a texture,…
Interacting is HARD (for some people, at least)
This week we had to observe, a lot. Finding a piece of interactive technology in public that is interesting enough and not as common or obvious was not that easy. Luckily, I came across this particular situation where I was disturbed by the lack of . The particular context can be seen on the following…
Collaborating snakes
TL:DR, here’s the link to the running sketch. For this assignment we had to work in pairs, two people, could not do it by yourself. I partnered with Caleb, not only because he was sitting next to me, but mainly because I found really interesting his approach to his last assignment. We quickly reached an…
Fabricated disturbance (of the Force, of my ideas, of my patience)
Learning to tone it down I had many ideas for this project. Crazy ones, at the beginning. I wanted to make shoes. No way I could make 5 pairs and 5 left shoes are just not that comfortable. Then, I had the idea for this sign, just a little bit upgraded (it was way too…
Physical is wearable
I wanted to use this assignment (make a switch) as a chance to explore different interactions and how to enhance human capabilities through technology. This time I used this prompt as a way to enhance my ways of expression, specially my expression of distaste by anything. I did this by modifying a denim jacket, implanting…